warner yard
Warner Yard


Set in a striking former stables that dates back to the 18th century, the future of 8 Warner Yard was uncertain after the departure of its tenants in the middle of the pandemic. With the landlord wishing to attract new tenants with minimum delay, Thirdway was tasked with refreshing the space to a high standard and getting it back on the market while keeping costs down.

Project Details

Cat A+
5000 SQ FT

The resulting office fit-out in the heart of Clerkenwell provides a sophisticated example of the power of design to add value to commercial space.


This project was the first of our pioneering new programme designed to breathe life into tired office space. Called Grey to Great, it was developed in response to the rise in so-called grey space, made worse by the pandemic, and aims to deliver a fast turnaround of vacant office stock, elevating its value with vibrant well-designed and immediately occupiable space.

warner yard

Bold new beginnings

After surveying Warner Yard and conceptualising its potential, the Thirdway design team opted for a contemporary aesthetic that reflected Clerkenwell’s creative coterie of design studios and architecture firms. The two-floored space makes a feature of a lofty central atrium, which has been developed as the main breakout area and the space is further unified by sophisticated workplace furniture supplied by Tribe, creating a sleek warehouse feel likely to appeal to creative future tenants and a new level of quality to a space in need of a little love.


Seize the day

With the pandemic causing many firms to reconsider their office space at the same time as Brexit encourages more companies to relocate their headquarters to the Continent, there’s an opportunity now to quickly make grey space very attractive to other potential occupiers.

And as the first completed project from our Grey to Great programme, 8 Warner Yard is a prime example of the opportunity to unite the demands of both landlord and occupier, giving each party the outcome they need.

Project Team

Trish Watson

Trish Watson

Managing Director

Rameez Raja

Rameez Raja

Design Director
Paul Brown

Paul Brown

Commercial Director

Rob Goulder

Rob Goulder

Chief Operating Officer
Paul Tucker

Paul Tucker

Head of Technical Services
Ben Turner

Ben Turner

Technology Director

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