As the world starts to come alive again after lockdown, we’ve launched a new installation in our Old Street window to keep our passers-by smiling. The train set, a collaboration with set designers, Einstein’s Octopus, includes a miniature world featuring landmark local buildings. All of them key to Thirdway’s history.
From our very own HQ at Morelands, to the tiny TEA Building and replica Aircraft Factory, the models celebrate more than a decade of Thirdway architecture and interior design, with cross-sections revealing the extra details of spaces we’ve created over the years.
As the Thirdway train pulls into the station you notice the sign for TOTAL ENGAGEMENT (our brand promise). And as it pulls away again it passes graffitied brick walls harking back to bygone company mascots and tiny tributes to the street art of London.
Eagle-eyed locals and graffiti fans will remember that we previously used the same space to collaborate with street artist Gary Stranger.